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Hunter Miller, Ol' Scratch, The Treats, Sandal Stomp, River Necks, One Timers, Sal Atticum, Dildozer [...]
03 January
Rvivr, ADD/C, Hidden Spots
This is my First, ADD/C. Army of Jesus, Love Songs, Hidden Spots, Panty Shanty
Scum of the Earth, Ovens, Faded, False Sense of Hope, Ghetto Bird, This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, Hidden Spots, Future Virgins, Dark Rides, Dos Tornados
25 September
Scum of the Earth, The Bohannons, Big Kitty, One Timers, Rednecklace, X-Mas Magic, Mouse Teeth, Dark Rides, Fast Boys, Spawn Sacs
30 September
Bad Taste, Snarky, One Timers
10 August
Leah Yeppi, Ancient Whales, Milk Stains, One Timers
11 August
Full of Hell, Austin Lucas, One Timers, Bryan Hensley, Wild Kind
29 January
Rise Up Howlin' Werewolf, Jail, The Mahoneys, Hidden Spots, The Thomas Function
28 April
This Is My Fist, Love Songs, ADD/C, Hidden Spots, Pantry Shanty, Army of Jesus
06 July
Modern Machines, Rock Paper Stupid, Hidden Spots
09 March
Scum of the Earth, The Bohannons, Big Kitty, One Timers, Rednecklace, X-Mas Magic, Mouse Teeth, Dark Rides, Fast Boys, Spawn Sacs
30 September
Chipper, Possible Side Effects, One Timers
09 September
Leah Yeppi, Ancient Whales, Milkstains, One Timers
11 August
Scum of the Earth, Ovens, Bohanons, Faded, False Sense of Hope, Ghetto Bird, This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, Hidden Spots, Future Virgins, Dark Rides, Dos Tornados
25 September
Blue River Hex, Sandal Stomp, One Timers
One Timers, Dark Rides, Gumskirt, Brainbow, Common Visions, Nature Boys
30 March